ISOLDE: Implementazione Strumentazione per l’Ottimizzazione di una Linea di business basata sullo sviluppo, produzione e vendita di Intermedi innovativi e sostenibili per DErmocosmesi (Instruments implementation for the streamlining of a business line based on development, production and sale of innovative and sustainable dermocosmetic ingredients) is a project funded by the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia within the PR FESR 2021-2027, activity a3.2.1, with an eligible expenditure of € 391.119,36 for a granted contribution of € 156.447,74 (40% of which from the EU).

The project started in March 2024 and will last 12 months. It aims at a technological implementation for the production of innovative molecules, specifically for the dermocosmetic market. This implementation will allow Transactiva to scale its production of cosmetic ingredients from R&D to industrial size.